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Conferenza GARR 2024

Call for proposal

Navigating Complexity

Digital Infrastructures and Skills for Research

Bring your contribution to the GARR Conference as a speaker, sharing experiences on the use of digital infrastructures and services in research or education. The main theme of this edition is the complexity of challenges in our times, within and beyond the network.
Together, let's explore resources and tools supporting research to address major scientific, social, and environmental questions. Topics include digital sovereignty, use of artificial intelligence, data security, and access to digital infrastructures on national and global scales.
Submit your proposal by 18 March 2024, focusing on:
  • Data usage and sharing in network infrastructures and services
  • Development strategies and policies for digital infrastructures
  • Interoperability and access to data and services
  • ICT services supporting research and education infrastructures
  • Training and technology transfer
Contributions are welcome in:
scientific and biomedical research, cultural heritage, art and music, school, and education.
Multidisciplinary contributions are highly valued.
Topics related to digital communication and ICT include:
  1. Cybersecurity
  2. Cloud
  3. High Performanc Computing
  4. Internet of Things
  5. Artificial Intelligence
  6. Machine and Deep Learning
  7. Big data and Smart Data
  8. Digital twin
  9. ICT Sustainability
  10. Digital Identities
  11. Data Interoperability
  12. Data management
  13. Long-Term Preservation and Data Accessibility
  14. Open Science and FAIR Data
  15. Biomedical Research and Health Data
  16. Agritech
  17. Environment, Climate, and ICT
  18. Energy and ICT
  19. Smart Cities and Communities
  20. Digital Teaching
  21. Artistic and Musical Education
  22. Enhancement of Cultural Heritage
  23. Promotion of Digital Awareness for Citizens

  • Call Opening
    12 February 2024

  • Call Closing
    18 March 2024

  • Acceptance Notifications and Program
    18 April 2024

  • Conference
    29-31 May 2024

Submit your contribution in PDF, in Italian or English.Your contribution shall be between 1 and 3 pages long (i.e. 2.500-9.000 characters) excluding bio.

You can also attach multimedia files such as (pictures, videos, etc.).

Quality, innovation, and relevance to at least one key theme of the event will be evaluation criteria.
Selected authors can produce an extended text published by GARR in a Selected Papers volume with ISBN, DOI, and Creative Commons CC-BY license.

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GARR Conference 2024


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| Phone 0649622000 - Fax 0649622044 | CF 97284570583 – PI 07577141000 | Recipient Code 7EU9KEU |
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